The Davos team’s mascot, Greta Thunberg, and her masters must be frustrated. Their genius plan was(or still is) to destroy fossil fuel industries and instead power the approximate 580 million terajoules of energy demand per year with wind turbines and solar panels in a mere decade. Of course, all this alongside a plan to leap into fossil-fuel-heavy-production, expensive, lithium-battery-powered electric cars.

Well, the plan is not going exactly as planned.

I am personally appalled, not so much about how bad the plan is going, but about how they even thought it would work just by repeating it millions of times through their media networks, puppet governments, NGOs and universities. You’d think with billions in their budgets they would come up with something smarter. But hey, we all make mistakes right? Plus I wouldn’t say it’s the only one of their “utopias” that seems to be planned by 12 year old videogamers.

Perhaps the WEF crowd assumed their financial arsenal would be enough to intimidate or persuade energy and food producing countries into their green agenda scheme. Perhaps they got used to exerting power via such methods and counted on a hyper-financialized world they control to get the job done. While the financial method has been effective for the past decades it won’t work indefinitely. Let’s not forget that fiat money, financial contracts and derivatives are worthless if not for their tangible collaterals.

Russia’s hydrocarbon depriving threats have shed light on how unfeasible, reckless and dangerous this accelerated green agenda is and how ineffective and backfiring the so called “tools” who unelected Von Der Leyen brags about have become.

Europe faces a serious energy predicament that will deeply affect their people and other parts of the world, and as absurd as this sounds, several EU politician puppets keep saying the renewable energy agenda is a top priority.

Humanity doesn’t need more problems as we bear the dire consequences of war, the pandemic-response induced crisis, but now Greta’s dreams will likely become the cause of a serious energy crisis.

So, Thank you Greta.

#davos #geopolitics #greenagenda #energy #fossilfuels #gretathunberg

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