Capitalist vs Communist: An outdated debate

Capitalist vs Communist: An outdated debate

The Capitalist vs Communist debate is outdated for the world we live in today. It’s worrying that politicians keep bringing it up and trying to lure public opinion into it, while failing to address the real issues and challenges of the XXI century.

Nobody in their right mind wants to live through cold war reverberations, especially when both sides of the debate are mostly irrelevant in today’s “arguably stable” human condition, which took centuries to achieve.

As humans, we live in times of high levels of peace and prosperity when compared to any other time in history. The issues and challenges we face today at economic, technological and political levels are way more technical and intelligent hungry than ever before.

In order to diagnose and address today’s issues we need political leaders that can accurately identify current and emerging challenges. We need leaders that are courageous enough to implement solutions no matter how disruptive they seem to be. Disruptive policymaking for disruptive advancements. We cannot compromise our political stability by bringing up arguments from the past. Let’s evolve and open up our minds, start imagining and designing modern policies that can tackle modern challenges.

Instead of polarizing between communists and capitalists, we should be thinking of ways to adapt our workplace to automation, pair up the less educated, strengthen common values and craft policies to regulate control of data and high tech before it’s too late.

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